Monday, November 8, 2010


My final advice is to practice non-imposition of will. If we want to grow old gracefully, we have to accept that in this life, not all things will come our way. It is a complex world indeed, and it has a way of giving us some and taking some from us as well. And I would rather that we do not fight it, for it will be a lost cause to do so. We can try to drive life and steer it in certain directions with the skills set we have accumulated and the resources we have gathered at our disposal. But beyond a certain extent, life drives itself. One day it will take us to the top of a twenty storey tall pole, and will ask us, “What is your next step now?” At this point do we fight it, or do we just take the next step into nothingness? - from This is Your Kungfu: 17DMNH, Chapter 17

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